EngageWell Data Sharing: Journey to Develop a Cross-sector Proof-of-Concept Database

EngageWell IPA - a start-up network comprised of diverse health/human service organizations - was created to help CBOs navigate a Value-Based Payment (VBP) environment in New York. Care Integration and Quality Management are crucial to success inside complex VBP arrangements, and EngageWell’s DASH project focused on developing a proof-of-concept database, with partners from CCSI, to collect and analyze cross-sector data. EngageWell quickly learned, however, that ‘if you build it,’ agencies won’t necessarily ‘show up.’ Our member agencies serve clients with highly-sensitive PHI (substance use disorders and HIV), and data security, compliance questions, and protection of proprietary business information were all legitimate concerns and data-sharing roadblocks. In this break-out session, EngageWell will discuss the evolution of our data sharing project and our approach to member buy-in.


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