Legal Resource Bibliography for Data Sharing Partnerships

Sharing data across sectors helps decision-makers better understand and address community health issues, but there are many laws to consider pertaining to the use, storage, and disclosure of data. To help lawyers and community data practitioners overcome legal challenges to data sharing, Data Across Sectors for Health and the Network for Public Health Law have developed an online collection of 100+ papers, toolkits, and other materials focused on privacy, consent, and policy documentation, hosted at Community Commons.

The library of resources available range from fact sheets to toolkits for communities using health data. Users can search by sector, law, or type of resource, and each resource is rated based on its value to addressing barriers and the depth of its legal and data discussion.

The Network For Public Health Law is a visionary leader in the use of law to protect, promote, and improve health. NPHL provides non-partisan legal technical assistance and resources, collaborating with a broad set of partners across sectors to expand and enhance the use of practical legal and policy solutions.


Bias in Big Data: Implications for Multi-Sector Data Sharing


Innovation Learning Community Case Studies